Since 1978 Our Mission Has Been to Make It All Work Together - for You

Our Mission
We help clients build and protect a better financial future.

Our Vision
To become the premier independent insurance and financial services organization that sets the standard for adding value to the lives of our client, our employees, and our community stakeholders.

Our Value Proposition
Recognizing the difficulty families and businesses face keeping up with the constant change of the world today, our team of experts exists to be their trusted advisor along the way. We partner with clients to form, monitor, achieve, and protect their financial goals by coordinating all aspects of their financial lives, making it all work together. As an independent family run business for three generations, we have the ability to stay focused on building long-term, mutually successful relationships. We have a deep and credentialed team of professionals whose independence allows them to provide objective and comprehensive advice. We are committed to and passionate about positive outcomes for our clients. We are big enough to matter, but small enough to care.
Why Choose Duncan?
An Experienced Team
In recent years, the growing complexity of the financial and regulatory environment has demanded trained experts, not jacks-of-all-trades. That’s why we’ve recruited experienced professionals with the capabilities to work on cross-disciplinary teams in order to meet your specific needs. We understand the skills and strategies that are necessary to help you achieve your goals. We know how to listen—really listen—and are equipped to make the right moves when faced with the challenges of crafting the most strategic insurance products and financial services for you.
Doing Things Right
This higher level of complexity also demands an unprecedented and exacting level of precision in everything we do. We’re an organization that does things the right way—and one that happily does whatever it takes to fix a problem promptly when it occurs. We sweat the details because it’s in our DNA— and because anything less is a disservice to you and a violation of the trust you put in us. That’s why we believe you will find that attention to detail, thoroughness and consistency are the hallmarks of the professionals at Duncan Financial Group.
Doing the Right Things
There is no shortage of gray areas in the financial world. Our belief is simply this: “If you do the right things, good things will follow.” We seek to build long-term relationships with like-minded people and organizations, as we have for decades. We seek to create a higher level of trust among families, their friends and the community. But beyond integrity, doing the right things means prudence in selecting the appropriate financial strategies for your particular circumstances and aspirations. There is no one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach to our solutions. It means doing the right thing—for you.
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