When a company experiences significant increases in workers’ compensation costs, it usually triggers internal activities aimed at reducing insurance costs and spending. The key to spending […]
Student loan reimbursement programs are a fast-growing employee benefit. Approximately 70 percent of 2016 college graduates have student loans with an average balance of $37,000.¹ The […]
If debt is a leading contributor to your overall stress, you are not alone. The national mean for household credit card debt is $16,000. The average […]
Women today are thriving in the workforce. They are entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and leaders in their respective fields, not to mention that there are nearly 11.6 million […]
Forget painting the town red, it’s time to paint it blue! Over the past several months, Duncan Financial Group has embarked on various marketing and advertising […]
To learn more about drone’s and other electronics that impact your insurance coverage, contact us at 724-863-3420. An insurance professional is available to answer your questions.