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August 31, 2020Good News 401(k)
August 31, 2020More Good News
Scoring the Progress of Retirement Savers, a recent report by Empower shows that the median projected income replacement among participants in our study was 64%. In other words, Americans are on track to replace 64% of their current income in retirement.
“Plan sponsors can take several steps to help facilitate savings within a plan. The first is automatic enrollment. We find an 11-point difference in median income replacement percentages between participants who enrolled automatically versus those who opted into the plan. The difference may reflect an important benefit of auto-enrollment: Many participants begin saving earlier in their tenure because enrollment begins as soon as they are eligible.
A second feature that correlates with higher median income replacement is auto-escalation. Our survey found that people who participate in a plan with this feature achieve a median retirement income replacement of 107%, a full 27 percentage points higher than participants in plans without it.”
For more information, read Empower’s report on Scoring the Progress of Retirement Savers.