24 Red flags of fraudulent claims
May 25, 2022May 2022 Market Update
May 26, 2022HR Tip: Boundaryless recruiting drives committed employees to leave jobs
A recent Gallup study found that one in four workers were recruited in the past three months and one in 10 were not looking for jobs. While it’s obvious that remote work has widened the talent pool for many organizations, it’s important to understand how it affects dedicated employees and why they may choose to leave. Gallup points out that being recruited changes employees’ expectations of an organization and organizations are not proactively reattracting their current talent.
Supervisors play an integral part in retaining talent. Kristin Barry, Gallup’s director of hiring analytics, points out that managers cannot afford to take for granted the retention of employees they perceive as engaged. Managers should not be waiting for performance reviews to see how they can better meet the employee’s expectations but should be having conversations about the top three factors contributing to quitting – pay and benefits, career development opportunities, and work flexibility.
It’s also important to reinforce why the employee was attracted to the company. What makes it appealing and what sets it apart? Ensuring that the company is delivering on the employee’s expectations is key to retention.